Fundi Yaokai

Fundi (title in lineage)Yaokai is a sixth-generation teacher of Secret Yang Tai Chi Quan. He is a body-conscious, community-oriented facilitator of new potentials in bringing forth understandings of interpersonal communication to adults and teenagers. As a strong leader in his community, he has obtained a plethora of skills and abundance of experiences. For 20 years Yaokai has supported the needs of youth through managing wilderness therapy programs, working as a Residential Program Director in teenage group homes & owning a business in AZ that catered to teens discovering themselves on rope courses & wilderness rock climbing. In addition to his experience with teenagers he has helped many of adults navigating their way through life’s challenges and the relationships they find themselves in using the principles of the Tao along with his deep understanding of the Human Design System.
Yaokai's Story

The Outward Journey
Yaokai has been a strong leader in community for decades. Through his personal journey he has obtained a plethora of skills and abundance of experiences. These include owning a business catering to kids discovering themselves in nature, working as an EMT firefighter, and helping developmentally challenged adults live independently. For four years, Yaokai further developed his understanding of learning and supporting the needs of youth, as he worked directly with teenagers finding their way in wilderness therapy. He carried on this work in many different youth groups, ranging from YMCA teen programs to local mentoring groups.

Yaokai’s story is full of significant moments that propelled his growth forward into new foundations and understanding. One of his first major shifts came through a life changing dialogue with his own body and Spirit. His marriage of six years ended suddenly and he was struggling, suffering deep back pain and digestive dis-ease. Important, new questions began to surface... ‘What is energy and how does it affect me? How does my body connect to my emotions? Why do I feel so disconnected?’
These were questions that began an ongoing quest to deeper understanding. During his search, Yaokai discovered a vast array of wisdom never imagined. Among these findings, was the ancient martial arts Tai Chi Quan, that encompasses yielding and redirecting energy. Here was a study that rejuvenated energy flow and alignment throughout his body, while palpably balancing his emotions and mind. Known for it’s health benefits and support in longevity, this sacred practice of Tai Chi Quan became the road to recovery for Yaokai. For the first time in his life connection to mind, body, soul and energy flow were present. This became a new foundation for him to build upon. Before long, his back repaired itself and his digestion improved beyond expectation. His life began to change in profound ways. The answer became Tai Chi Quan!
After finding teachers and over fourteen years of study, Yaokai continued to journey inward, gathering more knowledge. He was discovering the language of energetic flow & universal vibration, while finding further understanding about humanity and his role in it. His destiny as a teacher became clear.

Yaokai is ever changing in his approach to connecting with people, however fundamental foundations have emerged that he draws upon. Finding and following flow has become the key to his life. In other words, following his inner guidance, which naturally opens up pathways of least resistance. “You can only make right choices” is his philosophy; based on the strong belief that everyone has a unique path to shine within. Through connecting to emotional and body wisdom, Yaokai’s teachings guide others in breaking down their stories. His format uses unique communication strategies that help identify root needs and express core feelings. He believes in supporting people to free themselves of judgment and deepen knowing of their personal inner truths.